Having a fresh lawn with beautiful flowers and rich soil is a wonderful thing, but maintenance can get a little tricky when it comes to lawn pests. Common lawn pests can happen simply between seasons or without proper care. Look out for dead patches of grass, dirt mounds, or different kinds of holes in your grass. These could be signs that you have a lawn pest lurking in your grass.
Common Lawn Pests
The most common lawn pest is the mole. If you have a mole infestation, you will see dirt dug up and special holes scattered in the grass. The best way to get rid of a mole, according to DIY, is to use various liquids or granular formulations. Castor oil is effective, as well.
Like moles, another small rodent called a vole, creates holes that look like tunnels. Usually, throughout the winter is when they start digging. When the snow melts it’s very common to see these hole-like tunnels. The easiest way to fix your lawn is to patch the holes with soil and try to regrow the grass. Before the snow falls it’s a good idea to be proactive and treat the areas that voles infest with castor oil.
Grubs and Japanese beetles eat grass roots, thus creating dead patches of grass. If you see dead grass it’s probably because of these slimy lawn pests! Japanese beetles eat leaves and other grass, so keep an eye out for torn apart leaves. A store bought pest control product or milky spore are your best options for lawn treatment.
If your grass is turning reddish brown and/or yellow you may have a chinch bug problem. These bugs feed on grass and inject toxins, loosening the roots from their soil. A common insecticidal treatment is your best way to go about fixing this problem!
Like the vole, mole crickets tunnel through the soil! However, mole crickets like to eat other insects, decaying plants, and grass roots! They leave their mark with dead, spongy grass. It’s easier for mole crickets to dig in wet grass, so make sure you’re not over watering your grass. Insecticidal treatment over the affected areas is the main treatment option.